Season 2, Episode 4: Reversing Roles for Learner Engagement—Students Assess Their Teachers
Janice Miller-Young
Janice Miller-Young completed her BSc in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Biomechanics) from the University of Calgary. At Mount Royal University, she designed and delivered courses in both the (former) Engineering transfer program and General Education. Professor Miller-Young strongly believes in the importance of experiential learning and student-centered learning environments. She integrates into her teaching such creative pedagogical devices as a problem-based ‘CSI project’, the flipped classroom, and active learning. Her research focuses on teaching and learning, in particular, helping students increase their learning by making certain concepts and processes explicit and narrowing the gap between novice and expert thinking. Professor Miller-Young served as the Director of the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Mount Royal University from 2013-2016.