All Episodes
Professor Scott Hughes
Scott Hughes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education at Mount Royal University. He holds a Doctorate degree in Education from Queen’s University. His teaching interests are in music, the arts, language and literacy, and the early primary grades. His research explores the pedagogical conditions that promote children’s happiness at school and in learning. Prior to joining the Mount Royal faculty, Professor Hughes taught Kindergarden to Grade 2, for over 20 years with the Vancouver School Board.
Margy MacMillan
Margy MacMillan is a Full Professor in the Library at Mount Royal University. She has been bringing people and information together at Mount Royal since 1990. A laureate of the Mount Royal Distinguished Faculty Teaching Awards, Professor MacMillan connects people with information and each other, and helps them learn to use information resources more effectively. Known by colleagues to have loads of fun at work, Professor MacMillan is engaged in teaching, research, and initiatives such as Triads, a peer-collaboration, mentoring, and support program for Mount Royal faculty. Her current teaching and scholarship interests focus on helping students read academic articles, and using data from the Assessment Seminar, series of interviews, to better understand how students develop disciplinary identities.
Professor Deanna Wiebe
Deanna Wiebe serves as both a Faculty member and a Flight Instructor in the Aviation program at Mount Royal University. A graduate of the program in 2001, Professor Wiebe returned to MRU in 2009 to assume the role of Chief Flight Instructor. Her graduate research focused on “Creating a Supportive Environment for Student Learning.” In 2013, Deanna Wiebe became Assistant Professor in the department of General Management, Human Resources, and Aviation at MRU.
Prof Deanna Wiebe – 3206 LOFT #4 Assignment
Professor Jennifer Solinas
Jennifer Solinas has been teaching at Mount Royal University for four years. Professor Solinas is a contract faculty member with a full-time course load who works on several committees, and has completed the Certificate of Achievement in Photography at MRU. While her background is in Criminology and Restorative Justice, Professor Solinas now enjoys teaching courses related to community and society issues. Her students attest that she encourages them not only to think but to also work “outside of the box.”
Professor Ada Jaarsma
Ada Jaarsma is Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Humanities at Mount Royal University. A recipient of the MRU Distinguished Faculty Award, Dr. Jaarsma is increasingly interested in the connections between how we teach and what we teach. With the support of a Teaching & Learning Inquiry Grant from the Academic Development Centre at MRU, she developed a research project with two MRU students that explores these connections in the context of Philosophy.
Course on Philosophy and Race Epigenetics
available on Dr. Ada Jaarsma’s Academia Site
Relevant Publication
Jaarsma, A.S., Kinaschuk, K., & Xing, L., 2015
“Kierkegaard, Despair, and the Possibility of Education: Teaching Existentialism Existentially.”
(Research supported by an ADC Teaching & Learning Inquiry Grant)
Professor Ada Jaarsma’s Personal Website
Prof Ada Jaarsma – Genealogy exercise
Professor Glenn Ruhl
Dr. Glenn Ruhl is a Full Professor in, and former Chair of, the Information Design program in the Faculty of Communication Studies at Mount Royal University. His industry experience includes serving as Education Program Manager for the Environmental Services Association of Alberta and as the Executive Director for the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (West). He is a member of the International Institute for Information Design. In 2012, he received Mount Royal University’s Distinguished Faculty Award.
Interesting infographic examples:
Professor Karen Manarin
Dr. Karen Manarin is Professor of English and General Education at Mount Royal University. A recipient of MRU’s Distinguished Faculty Award, Dr. Manarin’s teaching and research interests include how people read, and undergraduate research. Her coauthored book Critical Reading in Higher Education: Academic Goals and Social Engagement explores how students read in four, very different, required, first-year courses, from scientific literacy through composition. Dr. Manarin talks about research posters in a Teaching and Learning Inquiry article published in 2016 entitled, “Interpreting Undergraduate Research Posters in the Literature Classroom.”
Professor Trevor Day
Trevor Day earned a Ph.D. in Respiratory Neurobiology (University of Calgary) and is currently an Associate Professor of Physiology in the Department of Biology at Mount Royal University. His research interests include the integration and interactions between the heart, lungs and brain in response to stressors in humans (e.g., body position, high altitude, sedentary behaviour). Trevor is a multiple-award-winning scholar, notably a recipient of the MRU Distinguished Faculty Award, and most recently a NSERC Discovery grant. As a musician, Trevor collaborates on various projects, including live science-music productions with veteran science broadcaster Jay Ingram and his band the “Free Radicals.”
Steve Dodd
Steve Dodd is a Calgary-based composer who has written roughly a thousand pieces for films, documentaries and network television shows worldwide.
Josip Vulic
Josip Vulic is a Calgary-born musician who was raised by very musical Croatian parents within the Croatian community. For 17 years, he has been the local, traditional wedding singer for this community. He credits his family and the Croatian community for all his creative ways. He continues to perform as a vocalist, bassist, and guitarist in a number of groups within the Calgary music scene.